Remove Trump NOW!

Ken Powers
6 min readJan 7, 2021

I’m here today to write about the insurrection that occurred at the Capitol Building yesterday. Because, without fear, I want to be on the public record about this crime. It will not be funny, and it will not be fun. I am furious, but I am also clear headed.

Typically, I try to build up to my points by summarizing the situation and creating context for my analysis, conclusions and, maybe add some jokes (to ensure it can be read years later and still have meaning).

Today, I am going to shitcan that and trust we will remember the context of this historic event vividly until the day we die. I know I will.

What happened yesterday is that the President committed his most serious crime to date, sedition.

The President of the United States instigated the storming of the Capitol Building, to stop or spoil the certification of his replacement. Trump, from a stage in front of the White House, incited an angry, anti-government mob, that has proven to be violent (We remember Michigan?), to march on the Capitol Building.

In a speech just prior to the storming (a speech that will form the basis of many coming criminal complaints), he called the certification of Biden’s election a “fraudulent”, “criminal enterprise” as he listed baseless accusations of voter fraud sourced from conspiracy theorists, claiming these accusations as facts with no evidence.

It is about 16 minutes into the hour and fifteen minute long speech that we get the block where he instructs the mob to “fight”. This is very important, and I believe will be pivotal so I will quote it in its entirety. It starts just after he reiterates his Stalinist, totalitarian view that the Free Press is the “enemy of the people”. Just after that he said this, and I will bold some of the important bits:

Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer, and we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. We’re going to have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us. If he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country because you’re sworn to uphold our constitution. Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. After this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We’re going to walk down. We’re going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.

We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country. Our country has been under siege for a long time, far longer than this four-year period.”

So, I was watching that speech on a livestream yesterday morning and among many things I thought,

“Wow! This asshole actually thinks that dispassionately slipping the word ‘peacefully’ one time into an hour and fifteen minute long sedition screed, where he much more repeatedly calls for ‘fighting’, is going to cover his ass when the riots start. He is a psychopath.”

Turns out I was right. He does think that.

After the insurrection was put down, I saw his sycophant leaches pointing to that one dispassionately muttered word ‘peacefully’ as Trump’s escape hatch from culpability in the crime he committed.

Sycophant leaches like Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, who in the aftermath of this crime, on the just desecrated House Floor, defended Trump, saying “President Trump explicitly called for demonstrations and protests to be peaceful”. I guess it’s technically correct. Trump read it one time, between honest off-the-cuff vamps, from the prompter…dispassionately…in a sentence from the speech clearly written by speechwriters. (side note — This morning Gaetz was circulating disinformation propaganda suggesting Antifa was actually behind the storming of the Capital. He has NO shame).

There are a lot of little bitch boys like Gaetz out there, with their political ambitions permanently chained to Trump. I live to see them dragged to the bottom of the abyss with Trump when he goes down. Gaetz is over.

This whole “He said ‘peacefully’” defense is over, too. It sounds to me like a guy before a bank job saying to his crew “I wanna do this job clean, no one gets hurt. Right?”… Try telling that to the judge and jury when you’re caught after someone does get hurt…I’m sure they’ll understand…right before they send you to prison for the rest of your life.

So, we know why the crime happened and who is solely responsible, Trump. The insurrectionists who actually stormed the capitol under his direction will also be prosecuted for their crimes, but make no mistake, Trump holds ultimate responsibility for the event and its related crimes, period.

Next, we look at the “How could this happen?”, and a book could be written on this alone, and probably will be, but I just want to examine a narrow band of the “how”.

In the past year alone, we’ve seen the President use his justice department, and the national homeland security apparatus repeatedly and excessively to suppress, quell, and control large protests, often in the stated interest of protecting federal property. We are talking about armies of jackbooted, nameless, faceless riot squads shooting rubber bullets and tear gas at protesters. The clearing of Lafayette Square comes to mind. The images of riot troops lined up on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, too. And don’t forget that “Executive Order on Protecting American Monuments”.

And yet yesterday we saw an easily overrun skeleton crew in place to defend the Capitol Building when Trump set his “stand by” marchers on them. This seems to not be by accident, and it needs to be investigated.

We know, based on those past year events, that, on some level, Washington is locked down or secured, in a large part, based on the purview of the President. And in normal times, under a normal President this might make sense, but this President, #PresidentShithead, did not want the Jackbooted riot squads there to stop his march. And so, the Jackbooted riot squads were not there. And so, the anti-government protesters stormed the weakly defended Capitol Building that clearly did not have the crowd control resources in place to stop the violent and destructive storming.

Trump knew that the Capitol Building was vulnerable. He held direct control over the apparatus that could protect it. Trump intentionally did not put those protections in place yesterday and then he set his angry mob on the Capitol Building. An angry mob he and his henchmen had incited and stirred with hatred of Congress at his rally for hours (Though he did technically say “peacefully” one time [wink, wink]…his get out of jail free card).

It is widely reported that Pence had to overrule Trump to call in additional protective forces after the Capitol Building had been stormed. Trump would not move.

That is “how” this happened. It was Trump.

Trump is responsible.

So “what now”…

Trump is a criminal and a seditionist.

Trump is unmoored from his oath.

Trump has proven himself a national security threat.

We have 13 days until the inauguration. A lot of damage can be done in just one day. We learned that yesterday. We cannot accept one more day of this chaos. We cannot accept living under this national security threat for one more day. Action must be immediately taken.

When a President incites a violent storming of the Capitol Building, the “People’s House”, they cannot be allowed to complete their term in office, period, no matter how brief. There is no defense for this. There is no “mulligan”. This is the final offence. We can allow no other. God help us if we do.

I call on all social media platforms to indefinitely suspend/de-platform Trump’s accounts immediately.

I call on congress to begin proceedings to impeach Trump immediately.

I call on all Presidential staff and Cabinet members, Senate approved and acting, to resign in protest.

I call on the Vice President to evoke, organize and implement procedures to remove the President using the powers of the 25th Amendment.

Remove Trump NOW!



Ken Powers

Who is Ken Powers? He wants you to know the most important thing you need to know about him is his content.